Credit: Guy RD /

We lost four clients to Covid-19. When you work with residents, you get to know them personally. Emotionally it was very difficult. They couldn’t see their loved ones during their last minutes. We tried to use video conferencing to help them speak to their relatives, but it was heartbreaking."

Arrived from Rwanda in 2002

In the face of unprecedented challenges and enormous uncertainty, NHS workers from around the world got on with their jobs...

Fighting On Two Fronts

The Singh Twins

Digital mixed medium

“Inspired largely by media coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK, the work essentially pays tribute to NHS and other front-line healthcare workers. But as artists who see ourselves as social political commentators, we also present a satirical look at the government’s handling of the crisis, whilst challenging notions of Britishness.”

The work was filmed for The Singh Twins’ appearance as guest artists on the final episode of the Channel 4 series Grayson’s Art Club in June 2020.

Artwork copyright The Singh Twins:

Singh Twins Artwork

"Special emphasis is given to the invaluable role of and additional risk to BAME carers working within the health sector. This is placed within the wider context of Britain's historical dependency on people of BAME origin through a detail of Britannia denoting a British Empire and prosperity built on the blood, sweat and tears of people from 'foreign' lands which were colonised and exploited - both in terms of labour and resources."

— The Singh Twins

"Through another detail in the artwork, this emphasis on the contribution of BAME communities (many of whom are immigrants or of immigrant descent) serves to expose the irony of an anti-immigrant Brexit campaign."

— The Singh Twins

"Central to the artwork is the figure of an Asian nurse on horseback slaying the Covid-19 dragon which reinterprets traditional images of St George."

— The Singh Twins